The purpose of this trip is three-fold. Firstly, God has brought each of you to RHEMA Bible College and we believe that the USA WBS Trip 2019 provides an amazing opportunity for you to get connected to your RHEMA roots.
Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin was given a mandate by God to “go teach My people faith” and “to help usher in the second coming of the Lord.” This mandate is at the heart of the RHEMA worldwide vision. As part of the RHEMA family, you are being trained to take your place and do your part in fulfilling this corporate mandate. You will receive revelation and impartation as you sit under the anointed ministry of Pastor and Mrs. Hagin, and others.
Secondly, we believe your vision for ministry will be enlarged as you see the things God is doing in various churches and ministries. We believe that everyone who joins us on this trip will come home changed with greater fire and commitment to do everything God has called them to do.
Thirdly, this trip will provide a little taste of what it’s like to be ‘on the road’ as an Itinerate Minister or Missionary. From the time we arrive, we will be on the go, all the while representing Jesus to people in different communities and churches. You will be stretched in your love walk and removed from your comfort zone. But you’ll love every minute of it!
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